Michael Stock
Commercial Director
In 4 years developing JTB UK’s Japan bound leisure sales division, Michael has gained extensive experience in all aspects of Japan bound travel including B to B and B to C sales & operations, product development, account management, cooperative marketing campaigns and DMC/Tour Operator service development. He worked with some of the UKs largest travel agencies on building their Japan portfolios as well as their staff destination & product knowledge through regular training sessions and coordinating familiarisation trips. He has also worked closely with key Japanese organisations including The JNTO, The Japan Foundation and multiple regional tourism authorities on promotional activities.
Prior to joining JTB, Michael spent over 10 years working in Project Management, New Business Development and Sales & Service Management for one of Japan’s largest language education providers. He has a deep understanding & respect of Japanese business culture, ethos & practices which has enabled him to work successfully with and within a variety of Japanese organisations.